Thursday, March 19, 2009

6 years ago today.....

It's A BOY!
Welcome to the World Henry McFatter Thrasher "MAC"
March 19, 2003

Who knew Mac would be the one who was born with a "song in his heart?" Not only was he, but he captured our hearts....from Day 1....Big Brother Brock threw him a party, we all napped with him and then through the years we've LAUGHEd with him....A LOT. Our sweet Mac----he loves the outdoors, he's a nurturer---of the soil and soul. He's comic relief. He's our Mac and we're celebrating him all day today. I love birthdays!


Anonymous said...

Mac, You are a huge ray of sunshine and I LOVE YOU! See you tonight at Johnny Rockets

Darby said...

Yea!! Happy Birthday Mac!!!!

Cammie "Mom" said...

I cant believe he is 6!!! It seems just yesterday YOU were six! You are a wonderful person, mom, daughter andwoman. It is a blessing to be a part of your family! Love u!

Trina said...

Aww, how sweet! My girl will be 6 next month. I can't believe how fast they grow...