Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bah Humbug!!

If you just read my last post, you are thinking "she's doing great." "She's not letting the holiday stress get to her." "She's probably "upped her meds." ALL WRONG. I wanted to wring a reindeer's antlers today. I'm overwhelmed. I have a tree, but it's outside, not in a stand, not in water. (I barely have a tree.)

I had  a gift swap to go to tonight---didn't want to go--nothing personal to my dear friend hosting it--i just wanted to jammie up, make a fire and go to bed early. So glad I went though. A cute red head said I looked like Cameron Diaz and now I'm in the Christmas spirit again. Do you know what  Cameron Diaz (click on her) looks like? thank you. I might go back to the gift swap again tomorrow or track the cute redhead down at Macy's, where she works. 


Darby said...

Love it! Cameron, get that tree in water or you'll have no tree at all!!

Anonymous said...

You're actually hotter than Cameron. Love ya!